How can one achieve mindfulness?
Mindfulness is all about acceptance and awareness. It is being in the present. But in today’s world of distractions, it’s easier said than done.  How many of you wake up and instantly grab the phone? A fragile connection with ourselves that we built overnight has broken. Just one swipe and we have immersed into a chaotic-never-ending cycle. It becomes a habit hard to break.

That was my problem not just in the morning but throughout the day. I could almost see my brain ‘defragmenting’ into a pattern that wasn’t helpful for my focus. I knew I had to minimize my cell phone consumption. Keeping it out of reach helped. I also turned to meditation.

For many years, I avoided even thinking about it. I thought this was out of my reach as sitting and doing nothing was an impossible task.
One day I met a person who practiced meditation for many years and was passionate about it. He convinced me to at least give it a try. On my own. Nothing special. Just find a quiet spot and let it go for as little or as long as I felt it. I followed his advice. At first, I could only do it for about 30 seconds, but I kept at it and soon, it became an everyday morning ritual.

I am still learning. There is no music, no special equipment: just me with myself. I close my eyes and drift away from my physical shape; my mind merges with the Universe.

As you read this, get away from the computer, close your eyes, and let it go. Don’t stop. Do it tomorrow. Learn to tame your mind as it will give you more control over your life.